About Affiliate
   Become an Affiliate
   Why Join?
   How Join?
   Terms and Conditions



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   Jeffrey Wright
   Affiliate Specialist


• How to sign up?

Please take note of the Standard Terms and Conditions for the Affiliate Program.
Then click 'Become an Affiliate' to sign up.

• I signed up - what happens next?

Next, share-it! reviews the information of each newly registered Affiliate and then informs us. We can either accept a partnership with you right away or decide to review the your information, there may be a slight delay until you are activated as an Affiliate. In any event, we will keep you informed via e-mail as to the status of your request.

• How do I get started?

Following registration and activation, you will receive your login data for the Affiliate Control Panel. The Control Panel contains detailed information about your partnerships and products. After your account is activated by us, you may then embed links on your Web site and begin to market our products.

• How many types of sales methods?

Once you receive authorization from us, you can initiate two types of sales. You can choose either or both.

  1. Place a direct link, which contains your Affiliate ID, to our Website sales system.

  2. Or place cookies on your website visitors' computers.

    This would happen, for example, if a customer is referred to our Website by your Webpage, but does not immediately place the order.

    When the visitors are referred to our Website, they will receive a cookie that contains your Affiliate ID. This cooike remains valid for six months and ensures your receiving a commission for subsequent sales that do not occur directly.

    In other words, the cookie on the visitor's computer proves that the visitor becomes attentive to our Website because of you. In this way, you receive your commission in the case of a sale.

• How can I link to your Website sales system?

You use a link generator in the Affiliate Control Panel (in the "Products" section) to generate individual product and checkout links. These links automatically contain your Affiliate ID, thereby ensuring that your sales are recorded. Then these links can then be placed on your Website.

• How can I place a cookie with my Affiliate ID?

You use a link generator in the Affiliate Control Panel (in the "Products" section) to generate individual product and checkout links. These links automatically contain your Affiliate ID, thereby ensuring that your sales are recorded. Then these links can then be placed on your Website.

The link looks like as the following:
http://www.shareit.com/affiliate.html?publisherid=42019&affiliateid=yyyyy&target =http://www.cadig.com

'yyyyy' will be replaced with your Affiliate ID.

• How can you make sure that all of my referrals are accounted for?

There are two methods to track your sales: You can choose to rely on the affiliate ID, which is contained in your unique order link, or you can have us place a cookie on the user's machine with your affiliate ID stored in it. If the user purchases the software at a later time, the cookie will be recognized and the sale assigned to you.

• What if my visitors don't accept cookies?

The number of browsers configured to reject cookies is relatively low (approximately 1% according to several industry analysts). A cookie is the effective and efficient way to track your referrals.

• Who reports to and handles the payments to me?

share-it! handles reporting and payment of the commission to you.

• When is reporting done?

share-it! sends out the Payment Report to you on the 8th of the month for the previous month's sales. In addition, you can access to sales reports in the Affiliate Control Panel, where you can view your sales and earnings by date. share-it! does not provide the end-user customer's data to you as this remains the property of the publisher of the software.

• How often is payment made to me?

Payment is then made on the 15th for the previous month's earnings.

• Is there a minimum amount I have to earn in order to receive payment?

Yes, you must earn a minimum of 100 USD in commission before payment can be made. If the minimum amount is not reached, the total is carried over to the next month.

• How much commission will I receive?

The commission rate varies from affiliate to affiliate. Our standard commission is 20%, or you can see the default commission next to the product name in the product selection list we provide in the Control Panel. You will be informed of any changes in commission by e-mail that occur after activation by us.

• Which payment methods and currencies are available for me to receive my payments?

You can receive payments either by check or wire transfer, or Direct deposit (US Bank accounts only) in USD, EUR or GBP. You can set your preferred payment method in the Control Panel under "Personal Data".

• I haven't received my payment for last month's sales, what do I do?

There are many reasons that your payment may have not arrived. If you have pre-set a transfer limit and this limit has not been reached, or your balance has not exceeded our lower limit (see question above), the payment will be held until the limit is reached.
If you did not define a limit for your payment, or believe your payment may have been held in error, please contact our partner share-it! at affiliates@shareit.com. Please be sure to give wire transfers ample time to post to your account!

• Are there any costs participating as an affiliate?

There are no monthly or fixed costs to you for participating in share-it!'s affiliate program.

• How should I promote the products?

You can place the referral links anywhere on your website. It is typically a good idea to place them with our marketing materials or related topics to help generate referrals. Since you have a lot of flexibility with the links, you can also try out different locations of the links on your website to gauge their effectiveness.

• How can I terminate a partnership?

In your Affiliate Control Panel, you can display all your partnerships in the section "Products". Simply filter by "Partnership exists". For each partnership, you will find a button "Terminate partnership". Then simply remove the links from your website after you submitted your termination request.

• Can I adapt the order process to the "look & feel" of my own website?

Yes, you can edit your styles in the Affiliate Control Panel, where you can set a default style for the order process with the share-it! Style Editor.


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